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Sunday School Christmas Worship


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It is a wonderful time of year and a great way for our kids to spread their Christmas joy!

The Sunday school Christmas Worship will take place during worship on Wednesday, Dec. 18 at 6:15pm.

It is a wonderful time of year and a great way for our kids to spread their Christmas joy!

  • For all students 3 years old through grade 5, arrive by 6pm in costume UNLESS you haven't had a chance to get yours, yet. Costumes will still be available: for 3 & 4 year olds in their 4K classroom, and for K–5 in the narthex.

  • Preschool and 4K meet at 6pm in the 4K classroom. After their song, preschool & 4K students will sit in the pew with their parents and go back up front for the last part of the program.

  • K–5 meet at 6pm in the Choir room in costume. Kids will be seated with their classes and teachers until after the program. K-5 students and their parents can meet up in the sanctuary after the program.

  • All costumes can be returned in the narthex after worship.

Everyone is welcome after the program to a reception and pictures in the Narthex!

Questions regarding the Christmas program?

Click here to email Pastor Stanton.

December 18

OWLs Christmas Potluck

December 18

Wednesday Evening Worship