Priority Registration Deadline: Oct. 1, 2023!
If you are even SLIGHTLY interested, contact Pastor Stanton ASAP!!!
July 16–20, 2024 in New Orleans
The ELCA Youth Gathering for high school-age youth takes place every three years and is about faith formation, worship, study, fellowship, service and play.
It is an opportunity for youth to engage with peers from across the United States and the world who share a common commitment and faith in Christ.
The Gathering is a five-day event that begins on a Sunday evening and ends with a service of communion the following Thursday morning. The opening night sets the stage for the days ahead in which young people may have an encounter with Jesus that energizes their faith and helps them discover their call to serve in the world — locally and globally.
On the days between Sunday and Thursday, young people rotate through a variety of service learning experiences in the surrounding community. They explore and strengthen their faith by studying God’s word, serving their neighbor, sharing bread and wine in worship, participating in lively faith discussions and broadening their experience of God’s world and diverse communities through travel.
When the question “Why work so hard to gather so many young people in one place?” pops up, the response is really quite simple.
We were meant to be together, and we are a church that believes God is calling us into the world — together. So every now and then, we gather young people and adults together to share their unique stories and to experience the larger story that makes up the ELCA; we gather to be inspired, encouraged, strengthened, connected and sent out to do God’s work in the world — together!
Event Info
Where: New Orleans, LA
When: July 16–20, 2024 (with departure and arrival dates being close to these dates)
Who: Youth participants must be in 8th to 12th grade at the time of registration (fall 2023). Adult leaders accompanying youth to the Gathering must be at least 21 years old at the time of the Gathering.
Deadline for EARLY-BIRD registration AND deposit is Oct. 1
Estimated Cost of 2023 trip:
Registration total: Early Bird $375 ($100 deposit for commitment due by Oct. 1)
Travel ~$350 per person (coach bus)
Food: ~$200 per person
Lodging: ~$50/night per person
Rough total = $1,225
High school youth going to the ELCA Youth Gathering have several fundraising opportunities to help reduce costs…
Youth from First Lutheran in Onalaska share their experiences of the ELCA's National Youth Gathering.
Have questions about the ELCA Youth Gathering? Email Pastor Stanton: