Member Directory
⚠️ Don’t have access to our online member directory yet? Scroll down to learn how to get access…
Online Member Directory
Clicking the “LOGIN HERE” button will open the member directory in a new window.
Use the online directory to do the following:
View/update your personal and household contact information
Leave your household and individual contact info public/included (viewable by other members) or check the box to make it private/excluded
View your giving and print your contribution statements
View a church directory and communicate with other members
⚠️ By clicking on the “LOGIN HERE” button you agree that all information provided and accessed will only be for church use.
What can I do after logging into the directory?
Our church members can:
edit and view your own information, determine what contact info is private or public (viewable by other members)
view and communicate with other church members
view and print out your donation statements at any time
see what groups you are in
Our church staff can:
edit or view any record based on their security level
add donations, pledges, members, groups, and attendance
communicate with you via email or text messaging
Can I Use My Mobile Device?
Yes! Our church members can have access to the church directory at their fingertips to communicate with other church members. Check out the information about the mobile apps. Our church members can use one of the two download buttons below to get the mobile apps.
Android App
iPhone App
Can I see my own donations or print them?
Yes! No more waiting for donation statements to arrive via pony express mail for tax time. Our church members can print their statements right from the member portal. Check out the video here or watch it on YouTube. Our church members can verify all their donations are recorded by the church financial secretary instead of waiting till the end of the year.
Getting access to the online member directory:
To get access send an email to our webmaster, Andy Stutesman, requesting access to the online member directory.
Andy will need to confirm you are already in the directory.
Once step 2 is done, an email invite will be sent from the online database to the household email in the directory.
⚠️ Online access is provided to households, not individuals, so we will need to have a household email in our database in order to grant access.
Look for an email with the subject "Your IconCMO Log-in Information from First Lutheran Church." Make sure to check your spam folder.
The invite will be good for 48 hours.
Miss the original invite? No worries! Just let Andy know and he can re-issue the invite.
Questions? Connect with our webmaster, Andy Stutesman…