Upcoming Events
Our students in Kindergarten learn the Lord’s Prayer in this Faith Building Block.
Join Pastor Stanton and Pastor Karyn as they kick-off the Wednesday Night Stutesmandy Group with a look at Luther’s Small Catechism.
The application window for the First Lutheran Foundation grant opens Jan 1 each year, and closes on June 1.
Join Carla Stanton, certified spiritual director and mom of 3, in room 201 every Sunday, 9:15am while the kids are at Sunday School.
Faith Web households are invited to get together, for fun, lunch & company over a couple of games.
Lent small groups will meet once a week and together study Journeying Through Lent with Luke.
Join us for this special worship service throughout Lent, Wednesdays at 6:15pm
An evening of fun for elementary kids and younger, and a relaxing night for the parent(s)!
Looking to sign up for something?
You can also try our Next Steps page for events and ministries that require a “next step” like an RSVP or registration
You might also want to check out our current Signup Genius pages.
Google Calendar
CR = Choir Room
FBB = Faith Building Block
FH = Fellowship Hall
FS = Fireside Room
NX = Narthex
SN = Sanctuary
TR = Thomas Room
UR = Upper Room
Click here to add our Google events calendar to your calendar (this will not include Sunday School, Confirmation, nor High School events; go to their respective web pages to subscribe to these calendars).
Provide a meal for the homeless, twice/month, Nov–Apr.