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Live streaming
Sundays at 8am & 10:30am
Wednesdays 6:15pm

…except when we worship outdoors

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Holden Evening Worship on Wed., March 26, 2025 at 6:15pm

Broadcast starts today at 11:00pm.

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  • 1:30:00

    Holden Evening Worship on Wed., March 26, 2025 at 6:15pm

    Worship starts at 6:15pm on Wednesdays. Announcements: Connection Card: Give: If you have specific prayer requests, type them in the comments & precede it with PRAYERREQUEST. #ELCAChurchTogether SUBTITLES: are provided on Facebook. In the lower left of the video, click on the gear icon and toggle the captions to "on." Liturgy from © Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies. LICENSES: Augsburg No. SAS007501 CCLI No. 2862752 OneLicense No. A-713139 KNOWN ISSUES: Training in new directors. Feedback re: the live stream? Send to, noting 1) if you watched on the website, Facebook, YouTube, Boxcast, etc., 2) what device you were using, and 3) (if you know it) what your bandwidth is (find it at

    Scheduled to broadcast 3/26/25 11:00pm - 3/27/25 12:30am

  • 1:21:00

    Worship on Sun., March 23, 2025 at 10:30am

    Worship starts at 10:30am on Sundays. Announcements: Connection Card: Give: If you have specific prayer requests, type them in the comments & precede it with PRAYERREQUEST. #ELCAChurchTogether SUBTITLES: are provided on Facebook. In the lower left of the video, click on the gear icon and toggle the captions to "on." Liturgy from © Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies. LICENSES: Augsburg No. SAS007501 CCLI No. 2862752 OneLicense No. A-713139 KNOWN ISSUES: None. Feedback re: the live stream? Send to, noting 1) if you watched on the website, Facebook, YouTube, Boxcast, etc., 2) what device you were using, and 3) (if you know it) what your bandwidth is (find it at

    Broadcasted 3/23/25 3:15pm - 3/23/25 4:36pm

  • 1:15:00

    Worship on Sun., March 23, 2025 at 8am

    Worship starts at 8am on Sundays. Announcements: Connection Card: Give: If you have specific prayer requests, type them in the comments & precede it with PRAYERREQUEST. #ELCAChurchTogether SUBTITLES: are provided on Facebook. In the lower left of the video, click on the gear icon and toggle the captions to "on." Liturgy from © Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies. LICENSES: Augsburg No. SAS007501 CCLI No. 2862752 OneLicense No. A-713139 KNOWN ISSUES: None. Feedback re: the live stream? Send to, noting 1) if you watched on the website, Facebook, YouTube, Boxcast, etc., 2) what device you were using, and 3) (if you know it) what your bandwidth is (find it at

    Broadcasted 3/23/25 12:45pm - 3/23/25 2:00pm

  • 48:00

    Holden Evening Worship on THURSDAY., March 20, 2025 at 6:15pm

    Worship starts at 6:15pm. Announcements: Connection Card: Give: If you have specific prayer requests, type them in the comments & precede it with PRAYERREQUEST. #ELCAChurchTogether SUBTITLES: are provided on Facebook. In the lower left of the video, click on the gear icon and toggle the captions to "on." Liturgy from © Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies. LICENSES: Augsburg No. SAS007501 CCLI No. 2862752 OneLicense No. A-713139 KNOWN ISSUES: Training in new directors. Feedback re: the live stream? Send to, noting 1) if you watched on the website, Facebook, YouTube, Boxcast, etc., 2) what device you were using, and 3) (if you know it) what your bandwidth is (find it at

    Broadcasted 3/20/25 11:05pm - 3/20/25 11:53pm

  • 1:04:00

    Funeral for Judy Eddy, Thursday, Mar 20, 11am

    We lift in prayer the family and friends of Judy Eddy, who passed away Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at her home surrounded by her family. A memorial service will be held at 11am on Thursday, Mar. 20, at First Lutheran. Pastor Jason Stanton will officiate and burial will be in Onalaska Cemetery. A visitation will be held from 9:30am until time of service. In lieu of flowers memorials may be given to First Lutheran Church, Onalaska or a charity of donors choice. Click here for full obituary and online condolences.

    Broadcasted 3/20/25 3:45pm - 3/20/25 4:49pm

The live stream above starts 15 minutes before worship begins.

If the live stream is not viewable here, check out:

 5 Ways to Prepare for Digital  Worship

Learn more →

If you are unable to view the most recent service in the embedded video playlist above (under “Related Videos”), you can check out our video archives on other platforms:

Please know that archiving live streams can take online platforms up to an hour or more, and we may not be able to add them to our playlists until the next day.

Liturgy from © Augsburg Fortress.
All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies.

  • Augsburg No. SAS007501

  • CCLI No. 2862752

  • OneLicense No. A-713139

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410 Main St., Onalaska, WI 54650

Serving the cities of Onalaska, Holmen, West Salem, French Island, La Crosse, La Crescent, and the greater La Crosse, WI area.

Across from Onalaska City Hall, on MTU bus route 9, with stops directly on our block at five minutes after the top of the hour (starting at 8:05am through 5:05pm). Unfortunately there is no bus service on Wednesday evenings nor on weekends.

Worship with us!

Worship is fully projected, leaving the worshiper free to fully focus on the task at hand.

Holy Communion is offered at each worship. All are welcome to come to the Lord's Table at First Lutheran. If children are visiting and are participating in their own home congregations, they are most welcome to participate here. Blessings are given to all who are not yet communing. Gluten free bread and grape juice are also available for those who find this necessary.

Sunday Mornings at 8am & 10:30am

Sunday mornings at First gather all ages, all the time. Join us for worship at 8am or 10:30am, in-person or online, and sometimes even outside in the sun!

Usually, the first service is led by Gabriel Hicks on the organ and piano. At the second service our Praise Band leads worship. Our choir and handbells also contribute to worship on a regular basis.

Wednesday evenings at 6:15pm
Labor Day – Memorial Day

A mid-week time for worship with communion is offered every Wednesday, Sept.–May. This 45 minute service will have a different sermon and reading than Sunday. This service is offered both in-person and online.