Register Online by Friday, August 2
You do not need to donate to register. However, the cost per child for VBS is $40, but First will be covering 50% of expenses. We ask families to cover $20/child, with a cap at $50/family. Thank you!
”Registrant” refers to the parent/guardian
“Attendee” refers to the child
You can add additional attendees/children by pressing the grey “add attendee” button above the Additional Info section.
The registration platform will issue you a “ticket,” but you can ignore the ticket; you will not need a ticket to participate in VBS! 😉 All are welcome!
Plan ahead to be here for Vacation Bible School this summer, Sunday, August 4 through Wednesday, August 8, 2024. Invite your neighbors!
For 4K through Grade 5 in the fall (3 year olds are welcome to attend in the nursery).
2024 Schedule
Sunday August 4–Wednesday August 7
5pm dinner in Fellowship Hall
6–8pm VBS program
Thursday, August 8 only
5pm all-church picnic at Van Riper Park (weather permitting)
~6pm swimming at Onalaska Aquatic Center!
VBS Help
Help in the VBS kitchen! Many hands will make light work. Claim ONE night between Sunday, Aug. 13–Wednesday, Aug. 15 to prep, serve and clean up the meal all VBS families will enjoy together. Food will already be purchased. Menus are decided. We just need a couple hours of your time.
Bake/make bars/cookies too! That's how dessert gets done.
Email Pastor Stanton (using the form below) if you can take a kitchen shift or bake.