Serve & Give Member of First Lutheran Serve & Give Member of First Lutheran

First Teen Clothes Closet Update for August 2015

First Clothes Closet has had another productive month of providing needed clothing and toiletries for our teenage guests. Volunteers at the closet have begun to bring our guest’s prayer requests to our pastors so the whole church can pray for their needs together. Volunteers are also inviting our guests to participate in First Lutheran teen activities and will provide information about our upcoming events....

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Serve & Give, God's Hands & Feet Kathryn Pedretti Serve & Give, God's Hands & Feet Kathryn Pedretti

Thanks to God

During last year’s volunteer picnic, the hamburger patties and chicken were cooking on the grill, root beer floats were being served up by our own Pastor Karyn, and everyone was enjoying fellowship with one another. It was a perfect day to grill out and come together to show our thanks for all the hard work our congregation does throughout the year. This annual event is the staff’s way to say thank you for all the help we receive. We rely on so many people to help the ongoing ministries happen, and everyone’s help in needed in small and big ways to keep Faith Alive here at First....

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Serve & Give Andrew Stutesman Serve & Give Andrew Stutesman

First Teen Clothes Closet Update

Many thanks for your support of First Teen Clothes Closet. Getting the word out about us through agency visits, posters and leaflets has brought in more teens in the past month! Watch for some local news articles and a television interview later this summer....

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The Welcome Zone

Construction zones almost always try my patience. I diligently get in the correct lane, as soon as I see the sign and try to wait patiently. Almost always, though, there is someone who drives past all who are waiting, and not slowly, of course. When they get to the front of the line, then they slow down and turn their signal on, waiting for someone to let them in line. Just once I would love for them not to be able to get in line, but someone always lets them in, like me, because my conscious wouldn’t let me not do it. Sometimes it feels like a construction zone here for our visitors waiting patiently until someone welcomes them. If they are not welcomed, many will just leave thinking we are an unfriendly church. I have been told that several times in the past year, and it breaks my heart. I cannot talk to everyone by myself, before or after worship, so people get missed.…

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Getting Your Feet Wet

Years ago as a family, when my girls were small, we would go ice fishing. Perry would open up several holes to fish in and start fishing, while I would try to fish and watch the girls playing in the snow. The girls would run around, make houses in the snow and play with the fish being caught. We would remind them often to watch out for fishing holes and not go too far from mom or dad. As they would play one of them or both of them would step into a fishing hole and get one or both feet wet before it was time to go home. I was usually prepared for this and brought with us dry socks and bread bags. We would change out of the wet socks, put dry ones on, with bread bags over them, and the feet would go back into the boots, after dumping all the water out. Getting your feet wet was the cost of being together as an ice-fishing family, and being prepared for wet feet was part of that.…

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Newsletter Article, Serve & Give Andrew Stutesman Newsletter Article, Serve & Give Andrew Stutesman

Stephen Ministry

I remember greeting my first care receiver with those words about six years ago. Since then I have had the privilege of serving two other care receivers, each in a totally different difficult life circumstance. When the first Stephen Minister class was started at First Lutheran, I thought it may be something I would be interested in, but I just wasn’t certain. Would I be capable of the training? Would I have the time? Is this what I was called to do? I passed on that opportunity, but the idea of serving just wouldn’t leave my mind. When the second class was started, I knew I was called to serve. I was compelled to serve....

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