Use the form below to sign-up for or modify your subscription to one of First Lutheran's e-mail lists.... We have two e-mails lists for you to choose from:
First Lutheran Publications: this list goes out once a week or so, and simply sends you a link to view our online print publications. This includes our weekly announcements page handed out on Sunday, our monthly newsletter that we send out in the mail, and other print hand-outs that we create throughout the year. We encourage everyone to sign-up for this list and to stop their mailing of the newsletter sent from the post office—this saves natural resources, and helps First save money on supplies and postage. The publications are posted online as PDF files and also on Issuu, so you will need the free Adobe Reader to view them.
First Lutheran Updates & Publications: this list goes out several times a week, sometimes daily, with more timely updates regarding the ministries at First Lutheran and the wider church body. This list takes the posts from our blog, from the above publications list, the sermon and narrative lectionary podcasts, and delivers all of this via email to your inbox—quite simply a great way to keep your finger on the pulse of First. As this list includes links to view our online print publications, there is no need to subscribe the First Lutheran Publications list above.
You can unsubscribe at any time. Please contact the office to re-instate the delivery of the newsletter sent from the post office, if you had discontinued it in the past.