Readings for April 2024
Wednesday, Apr. 3: Mark 16:1–8
Sunday, Apr. 7: John 20:19-31
Wednesday, Apr. 10: Acts 1:1–14
Sunday, Apr. 14: Luke 24:36b-48
Wednesday, Apr. 17: Acts 3:1–10
Sunday, Apr. 21: John 10:11-18
Wednesday, Apr. 24: Acts 17:1–9; 1 Thessalonians 1:1–10
Sunday, Apr. 28: John 15:1-8
Above are the tentative readings scheduled for the month. Readings used during worship are determined by the pastors on a weekly basis, and, therefore, are subject to change.
The Revised Common Lectionary (from which we typically read the Gospel on Sundays) is currently in “Year B”
The Narrative Lectionary (the Bible passage typically read on Wednesdays) is currently in “Year 2.”