Clothes Closet Update for April 2016
While visits to the First Teen Clothes Closet were down in the first few weeks of the year, by the end of January, our requests were back to normal, with 4 guests in the last week of January and 20 guests during the month of February.
First Teen Clothes Closet Update for March 2016
We’ve been talking about the First Teen Clothes Closet regularly for the last few months, but maybe you aren’t up to date on all the details.
Did you know….
Clothes Closet Update for February 2016
Thank you to the 12 current and potential volunteers who attended the January orientation and training for the First Teen Clothes Closet. We anticipate being able to expand the hours we can take appointments or host open house/drop-in availability to better serve those who need our services.
Clothes Closet Update for January 2016
Recent publicity in the news media, outreach to schools and other agencies and a $10,000 grant from the Franke Foundation are helping the First Teen Clothes Closet touch the lives of more and more young people from our area.
First Teen Clothes Closet Update for December 2015
Anyone who has teens (or works with teens, or has even just driven past a high school or middle school lately) knows that no matter how cold it is, they avoid wearing winter coats. Instead, they want sweatshirts and hoodies—either pullover or zip-up.