First Lutheran Church

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Stephen Ministry In Our Congregation

Do you know what Stephen Ministers do at our church? Do you know what the Stephen Ministry program is? Have you heard about it but thought it was not for you or it might be something I would like do. Here is your opportunity!!

In the next few months, we will make you aware of what Stephen Ministers do. We are starting a new Stephen Ministry class in January and we will be recruiting new people to the program. We always need Stephen Ministers, and here is your chance to find out what we do and how you can use the skills and gifts God gave you to be a Stephen Minister.

Well what skills do you need? If you are a good listener and a caring, loving individual, you probably have been a Stephen Minister in your life already. Listening is the key skill in this program. People want to be heard and want to be really listened to. Have you ever noticed you gravitate to people who really listen to you and really care how you feel? Well, that is what Stephen Ministers are trained to do. We are trained to help people, with the help of God, work through their problems, grief or whatever is troubling them.

If you are interested in what the Stephen Ministry program is, please click here to contact Pastor Karyn or use the form below to contact Gloria Kubiak.

Want to learn more about Stephen Ministry? Use the form below to contact Gloria Kubiak, a Stephen Ministry leader.

See this form in the original post