Message from Pastor Karyn for Nov 2024
“Still, still, still
One can hear the falling snow
For all is hushed
The world is sleeping
Holy Star its
vigil keeping
Still, still, still
One can hear the falling snow”
In church work, we are always working ahead, so this Christmas carol has been in my head for days. I think mostly because the idea of a still and hushed world feels like a dream. It is two weeks before the election, our lives are inundated with political ads that tell us only the worst of the world, and tension lives even among people who are voting for the same people. Soon, the holiday season will be upon us with all its expectations and traditions, adding to the stress and anxiety in our world. It is exhausting, so yes, a world that is still and hushed with beautiful falling snow sounds like heaven.
At the same time that this carol is running through my head, Coffee with Pastor Karyn is reading Wisdom Distilled for the Daily by Joan Chittister. This book encourages us to slow down and be present in the moment, to remember our call to love God and love neighbor every day. We can’t do that well if we don’t take time to be still.
Perhaps the Spirit of God is dropping hints. And not only for me.
This Advent and Christmas seasons we are gathering under the theme, “A Thrill of Hope” which seems counter to still and hushed. Except hope cannot bloom, cannot thrill our weary hearts, if we don’t slow down to see God in the world, to see Jesus present in each day. The same Jesus who shines the light of love into the corners of our hearts that seem to be slowly hardening, slowly becoming cynical, unable to know or see hope. Knowing the state of our hearts, perhaps the Spirit of God is inviting us into times of stillness to remind ourselves that despite what is going on in the world, our God will always be with us and with that presence we will know hope and love and a way forward that fills us with the peace that only comes from God.
Be still, dear friends. Be still and know that God is God, our refuge and our strength, yesterday, today and always.