Announcements for Sunday, Jan 12 2025
INSIDE: Faith Alive! U • High School Youth @ Winter Fun Days • Monday Meals
Join us for worship!
Sunday Jazz Worship, Jan. 12:
Be sure to join us for a special worship service of jazz liturgy, led by Jon Ailabouni.
8am: live stream at, and in-person. Nursery available.
10:30am: live stream at, and in-person. Nursery available.
Wednesday, Jan. 15:
6:15pm: live stream at, and in-person. Nursery available.
Invitation to Change Lives with Youth and Family Ministry
With increased giving in 2025, we hope to grow the Youth and Family Ministry fund, so that together, we can build faith and change lives. We invite you to join us in prayerfully considering an increase to your giving in 2025, so these life-giving ministries may continue. Join us by providing your Statement of Intent in worship by the start of Stewardship Week, Jan. 26, in these ways: 1) filling out the intent form at, or 2) mailing in/dropping off the intent card (coming this month in the mail) at the church office no later than Feb. 23, 2025.
Faith Alive! U Weekend Workshops
Join others for an afternoon of exploring, questioning and learning about your faith. The Faith Alive! U Weekend Workshops takes place Jan. 12 from 11:45am–2:15pm, with lunch and childcare provided.
Keynote: La Crosse County's Pathways Home
Jon Ailabouni, Listen with Courage: Jazz Music as a Metaphor for Servant Leadership: From Congo Square in antebellum New Orleans to the music of Duke Ellington, Mary Lou Williams and John Coltrane, jazz music has a long history of being explicitly tied to worship and spirituality. This workshop will explore how jazz carries meaning through sound and how this music offers a model for listening courageously and using our gifts to serve one another.
Care for Creation team, The whys and hows of solar panels: Why are solar panels important to our community and what does it have to do with faith? How is the church's solar panel project going and how can I install them at my home? The Care for Creation team will talk about all of these things, encouraging us to be good stewards of creation.
RSVP at to help us get a head count for the lunch.
First Sunday High School Gathering
All high school youth are invited to the Winter Fun Day at Sugar Creek Bible Camp THIS Sunday, Jan. 12, from 1pm to 4pm. This event promises an afternoon full of winter activities, fellowship, and fun! We will leave the church by noon and arrive back at church by 5pm. COST: $10/person (covers food and activities). This is a wonderful opportunity for high schoolers to enjoy the outdoors, participate in exciting activities, and connect with others in a meaningful way. Activities will be tailored for all ages and may include sledding, winter games, and more! To RSVP at Questions? Email Megan Olson, High School Events Coordinator:
Sugar Creek Summer Reg Now Open
Sugar Creek Bible Camp offers 17 unique and powerful summer camp programs, plus retreat ministries for youth in elementary school, middle school and high school – and adults and families! The camp is located on 660 acres in the bluffs and valleys of southwestern Wisconsin. Come learn, relax, encounter Christ and have fun at Sugar Creek Bible Camp! Explore for more information about next summer.
Sugar Creek Events
Below are some upcoming events offered by Sugar Creek. For more info or registration, visit or call 608.734.3113.
January 12 – Winter Fun Day
February 7-8 – High School Youth Retreat
February 9 – Winter Fun Day
February 13-16 – Winter Craft Retreat
Monday Night Community Meals
For many years, Trinity Lutheran Church on the northside of La Crosse has hosted a meal on Monday nights. First Lutheran helps with this important community ministry, by preparing a meal, serving the food and cleaning up. We need people to plan and prepare the meal to feed 150-200 people, and folks to serve the meal (5-6pm) and help with cleanup. Meal prep can be done at your convenience. Many times people prepare the main course a week ahead, freeze it and reheat it. Food for the meal can be gotten at no charge from the Hunger Task Force in La Crosse. NEXT DATE: Jan. 13. Sign up at
Ride to Church Coordinator
In 2024, First Lutheran increased our giving enough to create a Transportation Fund. In the future, anyone who needs a ride to church, but has a difficult time getting in and out of a car, can access this fund so that a ride can be arranged with an appropriate provider. First needs a person to coordinate these rides. Would you or someone you know be a good candidate to 1) receive requests for rides, 2) make reservations and 3) troubleshoot any Sunday morning/Wednesday night obstacles so that those who want to worship in-person can? Contact Pastor Stanton with any questions or nominees:
OWLs Potluck
The OWLs (our Older Wiser Lutherans at First, for anyone 55+) next potluck is Wednesday, Jan. 15 at noon in the Fellowship Hall. Bring you favorite warm comfort food.
Wednesday Night Study Group
Pastor Stanton and Pastor Karyn continue to lead their Wednesday Night Study Group, which will renew again on Wednesday, Jan. 15, at 7pm in Fellowship Hall. The class will start fresh with Opening the Book of Faith: Lutheran Insights for Bible Study, providing an introduction to the Bible and Lutheran perspectives that guide understanding of Scripture. Make a New Year’s resolution to grow in your faith! RSVP at
Attention! Seeking Nominations
First is seeking leaders for the following positions, to be elected at our next annual meeting, Sunday, Feb. 9. If you or a member you know is interested in serving, please talk to Pastor Stanton or complete a nomination insert which is available at the usher stand and will remain available through Jan. 19. The Vision & Leadership Team will compile a list of all nominations at their Jan. 21 meeting. That list will be presented, along with the annual report, on Jan. 26. A V&L Job description is available upon request in the church office. No more nominations will be received after Jan. 21. Thanks for prayerfully considering our leadership.
Vision & Leadership: First Lutheran will be electing two members to The Vision & Leadership Team at the annual meeting. One current member is willing to serve a second term, while another has chosen to step away after their first term. A V&L Job description is available upon request in the church office.
Sugar Creek Bible Camp Voting Members: Participate in guiding the future of our camp, Sugar Creek! The 2025 Sugar Creek annual meeting is scheduled for Feb. 23, at camp. Voting members are welcome to contribute their own stories and perspectives to the conversation amidst reports and planning for the upcoming year. Support your camp by offering your voice and vote.
Assembly Voting Members: Participate in guiding the future of our synod! The 2025 La Crosse Area Synod Assembly is scheduled for June 6–8 (Friday evening through Sunday noon). An elected voting member will need to attend the assembly & various pre-meetings. It’s a great opportunity to be the church!
Foundation Team: Participate in the continuing work of growing our Foundation and awarding grants each year. The Foundation Team meets once a quarter and is seeking 2 new members to be elected at the Annual Tailgate on Feb 9.
Office Closure
The church and office will be closed on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Monday, Jan. 20
Braiding Sweet Grass Book Club
Thursday, Jan. 23, 5:30pm. Read one of the following books prior to gathering for discussion with Pastor Janet Wollam on ZOOM. This learning opportunity is FREE. Learn more and reg at
“Braiding Sweetgrass” by Robin Wall Kimmerer (Great as an audiobook)
“Braiding Sweetgrass for Young Adults” by Robin Wall Kimmerer adapted by Monique Gray Smith (Abridged Version)
“The Serviceberry” by Robin Wall Kimmerer (Newest Book)
Parents’ Night Out
Bring your children for an evening of fun with the middle and high school youth groups’ fundraiser! WHERE: at First Lutheran, NEXT: Friday, Jan. 24, FOR: Birth–12 are welcome (birth–3 will be in the nursery, ages 4 and up in Fellowship Hall)
Registration from 4:45pm-5:30pm
Followed by dinner and activities until 8pm (parents can pick up early if needed)
COST: Monetary donations will assist the middle and high school students with their 2025 camp and trip expenses. RSVP your child or sign up to volunteer at, by Wednesday, Dec. 11.
Middle School Game Night!
Middle Schoolers are invited to a board game and pizza night! Saturday, Jan. 25, 5:30–7:30pm. Please reach out to the Middle School Event coordinator, Madalyn Olson-Loomis ( for questions and to RSVP.
Installation of LuMin Pastor Kathryn Thompson
Lutheran Campus Ministry invites you to Celebration Worship with the Installation of LuMin Pastor Kathryn Thompson, Sunday, Jan. 26, 3pm at English Lutheran Church, 1509 King St, La Crosse. The entire synod (and beyond!) is invited to join together for a special celebration worship service to give thanks to God for all the ministries made possible by your support of Lutheran Campus Ministry (LuMin) and to install LuMin's new pastor, Rev. Kathryn Thompson. Have you ever baked cookies for LuMin's Free Cookie Wednesdays? Join us for this celebration and have a (free) cookie on us to receive the hospitality you show others.
Faith Web Ideas for January
Here’s an idea for what you can do to strengthen the bond of your Faith Web this January: Share any sports or activity calendars with each other so you can attend each others extracurricular activities! Even more ideas & caring conversation questions in handout at the Faith Webs table and to download at
You can still join a web! Stop by the Faith Webs table in the narthex after any worship service, and learn more at
Sign Up for Flowers for 2025
The sign-up sheets for the 2025 flowers are on the bulletin board. If you would like to honor the memory of a loved one, check the bulletin board and sign up for an open week of your choice. You can also contact the church office ( / 608.783.2236) to inquire about openings.
Calling all snapshots from 2024!
We’re looking for photos & videos from 2024: weddings, baptisms, Christmas program and ALL OTHER special events and ministries. Help us to collect and remember all the events from this past year! Email them to Thanks!
Friends of the Warming Center
The Warming Center provides shelter for the unhoused from November through April. There are many ways to serve, from taking a shift in the shelter to providing a meal. Learn more and sign up at
Luke for Dummies
We will be hearing a lot of stories from the Gospel of Luke in worship this year. Join Pr. Brad Lindberg on a journey through this wonderful gospel story to learn a little more to help us worship throughout the year. Thursdays, Feb. 6–27. COST: $35. Sign up at
Sugar Creek Youth Retreats 2024-25
Retreats are one of the best ways to build relationships among youth, adult leaders and the wider community. Sugar Creek retreats allow you to show up and be with your age group, knowing that you can enjoy all of the fun and activities. Save these dates for your calendar now! And NEW this season: One retreat is FREE for 2024 summer campers!
February 7–8: Your Kingdom Come High School Retreat (Grades 9-12)
March 7–8: As it is in Heaven Confirmation Retreat (Grades 6-10)
April 26: Daily Bread Elementary Retreat (Grades 1-5)
Baptismal Preparation
The next baptism preparation session will be Saturday, Feb. 1, at 10am in the narthex for anyone who is considering or has scheduled a baptism. To register or ask questions, call the church office at 608.783.3326 by Sunday, Jan. 26. Min. attendance required: 2 families.
Annual Tailgate and Appreciation Party!
All members are invited to attend First’s Annual Tailgate and Volunteer Appreciation Party on Sunday, Feb. 9, at 11:45am. We will reflect on 2024 and look ahead to 2025, elect new Vision & Leadership Team and Foundation members, along with Sugar Creek, Assembly delegates, complete a variety of other business and cap it all off with appreciation of our volunteers! Save the date to be a part of the body of church at First! The annual report will be available to pick up and download on Sunday, Jan. 26.
New-Member Social
By choosing to become a member, individuals and families commit to being part of a shared mission. People who would like to become members of First Lutheran are invited to a social at David Reay’s on Thursday, May 1, 6pm, where you will get to know more about First and the staff in a relaxed atmosphere. To register your family or ask questions, call our church office at 608.783.2236 or email
“Offer a shoulder to cry on.”
Sunday School
Sunday, Jan. 12
9:15am Sunday School
Sunday, Jan. 19
9:15am Sunday School
More info and registration:
Grade 2 Faith Building Block: What’s Fair
Throughout the year, each age group will have a special “Faith Building Block” session in which parents or special adults are asked to attend class with their child on Sundays at 9:15am (in Fellowship Hall), sharing in conversation and growing together in faith. Most sessions last for three weeks, and afterward, children will have a presence in worship in celebration of the Faith Building Block they learned about.
Sundays, Jan. 12 & 19: parents/guardians with children
Sunday, Jan. 26: Faith Building Block lifted up in worship
Gr 6 & 7 Confirmation Class
5:05pm Confirmation Class: Paul - Fireside Rm
7:00pm Gr 8 & 9 Small Groups
More info and registration: