Announcements for Sunday, Mar. 26, 2023
INSIDE: Faith Alive! U: Land Use Acknowledgment Statements • Lent Food Drive • Graduation Milestone & Recognition Dinner
THIS Sunday, March 26, 11:45am. What is a Land Recognition Statement? How is it helpful for a modern-day institution to create and use one? Led by Pastor Ben Morris. Lunch and childcare provided. Confirmands: attendance at this event will count toward one of your yearly confirmation electives.
Join us for worship!
Sunday, Mar. 26:
8am: live stream at, and in-person. Nursery available.
10:30am: live stream at, and in-person. Nursery available.
Wednesday, Mar. 29:
6:15pm: Holden Evening Prayer, live stream at, and in-person. Nursery available.
Current Precautions
Masking: masks are welcome and not required, and encouraged for those recently exposed.
Social distancing: not required, but of course, we ask everyone to respect all who desire social distance.
Hand sanitizing: stations are available at the entrance and near the welcome center.
Stay home if you have any symptoms of COVID or had a recent positive diagnosis.
For a full description of current precautions, visit
The Church Basement Ladies @ The Muse
Meet four lovable Lutheran ladies you grew up with & loved who serve up lutefisk and lefse with love in the church basement. The musical is set in 1964 in a rural Minnesota Lutheran church that is about to face some changes. Resistant to the change is staunch Norwegian matriarch Mrs. Lars Snustad (Janet Papenfuss.)
Church Basement Ladies has resonated with anyone who grew up in the church. Whether you are Lutheran or Catholic, you know these women from funerals, weddings and potluck suppers held throughout the Midwest still to this day. Grab your church members and make a night of it that you will never forget! Get ready to laugh and cry at these unforgettable characters. Showing March: 24 & 25; performances start at 7pm. General admission: $28, reserved seats: $32. More info:
School of Theology Spring Retreat
Saturday, Mar. 25, 10am–3pm, at Prince of Peace Lutheran, La Crescent. TOPIC: Spiritual Practices, led by Pastor Mike Woods. COST: $40 plus food (TBD). Email or call to reg: / 608.788.5000. The retreat will require a Spiritual Gifts inventory be done prior to attendance.
Grade 5 Faith Building Block: Communion
Sunday, Mar. 26: parents/guardians with child
Wednesday, Apr. 5, 4-5pm: child only, baking communion bread in Fellowship Hall kitchen
Thursday, Apr. 6: Faith Building Block lifted up during the evening Maundy Thursday worship service
Throughout the year each age group will have a special “Faith Building Block” session in which parents or special adults are asked to attend class with their child on Sundays at 9:15am, sharing in conversation and growing together in faith. The session lasts for three weeks, and afterwards, the Faith Building Block is lifted up in worship.
Easter Flowers
Your gift of $15 to the Easter Fund will be used to purchase flowers to beautify the sanctuary on Easter Sunday. Remaining contributions go towards purchasing new paraments. Please make your gift by Sunday, Mar. 26. Gifts can be placed at, or use the form in the announcements page and turn into the office.
Graduation Milestone & Recognition Dinner
Graduates: You and your parents/guardians are cordially invited to mark the milestone of your graduation at First Lutheran’s High School Graduation Recognition Dinner on Sunday, Mar. 26, from 5:30–7pm at the church. Let us take this opportunity to honor you and your accomplishments as you prepare to become a 2023 graduate. RSVP to the church office by March 22: / 608.783.2236.
The OWLs March outing will be to the National Eagle Center in Wabasha, MN, with a stop in Kellogg, MN, to visit Lark’s Toy Store and Toy Museum, a chance to ride the hand-carved carousel, and then a scrumptious lunch in downtown Wabasha. The OWLs will head home on the Wisconsin side, with a stop at Nelson’s Creamery. This marvelous adventure begins at 8:30am, on Monday, Mar. 27, at the church. COST: $12, lunch is on your own. RSVP to Brian Narveson at / 630.816.5917.
On Monday, Apr. 3, the OWLs fly to Sugar Creek Bible camp for Yesterday’s Youth. The program will be Traveling with Dick and Chuck: Dick Iverson (former Sugar Creek director) and Chuck Malayter will give a presentation about traveling and hiking in Spain. Followed by lunch with musical entertainment. Leaving church parking lot at 8:15am, back by 3pm. COST: $15/person. RSVP to Brian Narveson at 630.816.5917.
Monday Night Community Meals
For many years, Trinity Lutheran Church on the northside of La Crosse has hosted a meal on Monday nights. First Lutheran has agreed to help with this important community ministry by preparing a meal, serving the food and cleaning up. We need people to plan and prepare the meal to feed 60-80 people, and folks to serve the meal (5-6pm) and help with cleanup. Meal prep can be done at your convenience. Many times people prepare the main course a week ahead, freeze it and reheat it. Food for the meal can be gotten at no charge from the Hunger Task Force in La Crosse. NEXT DATE: Mar. 27. You can sign up at, or contact
Courageous Men’s Group
The Courageous Men’s Group are men of all ages who meet weekly on Wednesdays at 6am in the Fireside Room for a time of fellowship and study. Contact Jim Knutson or the church office for more info:
Sing on Palm Sunday!
The next choir performance will be for Palm Sunday, and rehearsals continue on Wednesday, Mar. 29, at 7pm in the sanctuary. Open to all people ages 12 and older. No audition and no formal training required, just a desire to enhance worship through the beauty of music! Full schedule and sign up at For more info, contact Todd Saner at
Lenten Small Groups Continue Throughout March
Oftentimes, a person reads a book to discover answers. What if you invested a few minutes a day throughout Lent, using a devotional so that you could dwell longer in questions? Beyond Question is a daily devotional that provides a question rooted in a gospel text along with a connecting piece of “Biblical Wisdom”, a “Transformative Thought”, a “Psalm Fragment”, “Questions to Ponder” and a “Prayer for Today”. You may choose to use Beyond Question on your own, but it will likely become much more meaningful by gathering with a small group once a week. Small groups will meet once a week on Wednesdays or Sundays throughout Lent. Current options include:
Wednesday mornings, Coffee with Pastor Karyn, 6:30am: Narthex
Wednesday nights, 5pm: Upper Rm
Wednesday nights, 7pm: Fellowship Hall
Thursday afternoons, 1:30pm: Upper Rm
Sunday mornings, 9:15am: Thomas Rm
Sunday mornings, 11:45pm (light lunch provided)
Baptismal Preparation
The next baptism preparation session will be Saturday, Apr. 1, at 10am in the narthex for anyone who is considering or has scheduled a baptism. To register or ask questions, call the church office at 608.783.3326 by THIS Sunday, March 26. Min. attendance required: 2 families.
Mabel Anderson Scholarship
The Mabel Anderson scholarship application is available online at Completed applications are due on Saturday, Apr. 1. Students may apply if they will graduate from high school in the spring and have plans to pursue post-secondary education. The application includes writing an essay and completing a worksheet that reflects the student’s involvement in church activities. Contact the office with any questions: / 608.783.2236.
Lent Food Drive for Onalaska Food Basket
First is hosting a food drive for the Onalaska Food Basket, Mar. 19–Apr. 2. Needed items:
boxed cereal
peanut butter
canned meats & stews
canned soups
pasta & spaghetti sauce
macaroni & cheese
soap & deodorant
shampoo & conditioner
laundry products
household cleaning products
toilet paper & paper towels
menstruation products
pet food & cash
Bring donations to church altar during the offering.
Palm Sunday Breakfast Fundraiser
Sunday, Apr. 2: Fundraiser for youth going on mission trip and to Bible camp. No coffee hour, Sunday School nor confirmation between services. Breakfast will be served between services. Food donations are needed, and youth can raise funds by working at the breakfast; sign up for both at
First Teen Clothes Closet's High School Art Show
Sunday, Apr. 2, 1–3:30pm, at the First Teen Clothes Closet in Trinity Lutheran Church, 1010 Sill St., La Crosse (park on Charles St. and enter south door). Our clothes closet is partnering with art students and teachers at Onalaska and Logan High Schools to bring teen art to our walls! We would love to have you come and see what they've created, while also touring our clothes closet! Light refreshments will be served.
Sugar Creek Events
April 3: Yesterday’s Youth
April 8: Easter egg hunt & brunch
April 29–30: Elementary school retreat
May 6: Spring Volunteer Work Weekend
To register for the above events, contact the camp at 608.734.3113 /
Sunshine Team
The Sunshine Team meets on the first Thursday of every month. Next meeting: Apr. 6, 9:30am. Various jobs: cleaning, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, washing windows and cleaning carpets. Help make First look nice! Refreshments are supplied to replenish your reserves! Dues are free! Questions? Contact Dan at
Friends of the Warming Center
The Warming Center opened Nov. 1 for unhoused people, and the area ELCA churches have agreed to provide evening meals the 1st and 2nd Friday of each month, November–April. Prepare the meal in your kitchen and drop it off at the Warming Center ready to be served. Other people serve the meal, you just prepare it. You are welcome to use the Hunger Task Force for meal ingredients. Next meal: Friday, Apr. 7. More info and reg at Questions? Contact
Easter Brunch and Egg Hunt @ Sugar Creek
Come celebrate Easter at Sugar Creek with a fun day of games, activities and food! WHEN: Saturday, Apr. 8, 10am. The whole family, friends and neighbors are invited. RSVP by Friday, Mar. 31 at 608.734.3113 /
Faith Story Dinner Theater
On this Holy Saturday between the solemness of Good Friday and the good news of Easter Sunday join us for a Holy Week edition of Faith Story Dinner Theatre, as we read and share some of the Bible stories that God has given us. WHEN: Saturday, Apr. 8, 5:30pm. Reserve your seat at by Wednesday, Apr. 5.
Holy Week Schedule
Holy week is the week leading up to Easter Sunday on April 9, starting with Palm Sunday on April 2. Join us for worship every day of Holy Week…
Palm Sunday, Apr. 2, worship at 8:00am & 10:30am (both live streamed).
Palm Sunday breakfast in Fellowship Hall.
No Sunday School nor Confirmation classes.
Monday, Apr. 3, worship at 6:15pm (live streamed).
Tuesday, Apr. 4, worship at 6:15pm (live streamed).
Wednesday, Apr. 5, worship at 6:15pm (live streamed).
Gr. 5 Faith Building Block, bread baking, 4pm.
Maundy Thursday, Apr. 6, worship at 12:15pm (live streamed) & 6:15pm.
Gr. 5 Faith Building Block lifted up at 6:15pm worship.
Good Friday, Apr. 7, worship at 12:15pm (live streamed) & 6:15pm.
Faith Story Dinner Theater, Apr. 8, at 5:30pm. Reserve your seat at
Easter Sunday, Apr. 9, worship at 6:30am, 8:00am, and 10:00am (updated) (live streamed at 8am and 10am)
No Sunday School nor Confirmation on Easter Sunday.
ASSIST WITH HOLY WEEK: To prepare our hearts for Easter Sunday, we worship every day during Holy Week. Individuals and families can assist with this holy time as readers, ushers, communion servers and more. Sign up at
The office will be closed at noon on Friday, Apr. 7, and all day Monday, Apr. 10.
Household Photos & Upcoming Member Directory
This summer First plans to print new directories for members. But unlike previous years, which involved scheduling a sitting and enduring a sales pitch, this year we will create them ourselves and print them in-house. The new print directory will necessitate up-to-date info for members in our database, so we are asking the following of all members…
Update your contact info!
The easiest way to do this is through our online directory; simply log in at Need to set up an account? Email a request to
NOTE: Lots of fields for both families and individuals can be included or excluded from the directory. They are included by default, so any field you want to “exclude from directory” needs to be checked.
You can also send updated contact info to, with the following updates: address, phone numbers and emails, AND if you want them included or excluded from the directory
Provide a family photo!
The easiest way to do this is to get an informal snapshot taken between services at our “photo booth” to the right of the Welcome Center. Volunteer photographers have offered their time and talents to help take the photo. This is nothing formal! We just want to be able to add faces to the names in our database!
You can also email a family snapshot to
Questions about the online or print directory? Email
School of Theology Spring Classes
Intro to Bible Discussion, Thursday, Mar. 30, 7pm. Join us for this discussion with Pr. Len Liptack, Dr. Jake Sorenson and Pr. Mark Bartusch from the School of Theology Board. No cost.
Thursdays, April 13–May 18: Leadership in Christian Community with Pastor Anna Sorenson at 5:30pm; Theology I with Pastor Chris Hallemeier at 7:30pm. More info at RSVP to
New-Member Social
By choosing to become a member, individuals and families commit to being part of a shared mission. People who would like to become members of First Lutheran are invited to a social at David Reay’s on Thursday, Apr. 20, 6pm, where you will get to know more about First and the staff in a relaxed atmosphere. To register your family or ask questions, call our church office at 608.783.2236 or email
Stephen Ministry
If you know of someone who needs a caregiver, please speak with Pastor Karyn, or call the church office: 608.783.2236.
Sunday School
Sunday, Mar. 26
9:15am Sunday School
Sunday, Apr. 2
No Sunday School; enjoy the Palm Sunday breakfast!
Questions about Sunday School? Visit
9:15am Gr 6 & 7 Confirmation Classes - Fireside Rm
5:30pm Dinner - Fellowship Hall
7pm Confirmation Small Groups
Questions about Confirmation? Visit