Message from Pastor Karyn for Feb. 2021
One thing 2020 taught me is to slow down and pay attention. To wonder and to be curious about what the Holy Spirit is doing in our lives and our world. As 2020 came to a close, I wondered about 2021 and how I would grow in my faith. The conclusion I came to was that there could be no better way to enter 2021 then to ground myself in the love of God and open myself to the Spirit through something as simple as a word? For several decades now, churches have been practicing the giving of “star words” at the time of Epiphany. Businesses are even joining in! Having a word of intention for a year is quite the thing now. It was quite serendipitous that the materials we were using for Advent included “star words”. I looked forward to what word would come my way.
“The Spirit has brought us this far with grace and love and has blessed us with so much, let us eagerly seek her leading as we enter 2021.”
Power. My star word for 2021 is Power. I am perplexed and fascinated and not a little terrified of this word that has been given a place of prominence in my life for the next 52 weeks.
I have been asked quite a bit about what we do with “star words” once we get them. “I have this word. Now what?” is often how it is phrased. The first thing I do is to simply sit with it. Let it roll around my soul for a little bit, tell my trusted circle about it and what it is evoking. I write down what is coming to me as the word floats in and out of my consciousness.
Then I put it where I can see it. I will put it on the mirror in my bathroom, at my bedroom desk, in my office. I will spend some time doodling around the word, creating some art and then put that somewhere. I have been known to wear a bracelet or a ring with the word or phrase that I am using to help focus my thoughts (another way to talk about star words). I do this because science tells us (and my own experience) that when we start thinking about something, placing it into our consciousness, we start seeing it in more places. I remember when I was thinking about buying a new car. I loved the Equinox and I thought it was pretty unique, but don’t you know it, as I was looking online at the Chevy website and dreaming about my new car I started to see similar cars all over the place? I don’t think there was a sudden run on compact SUVs all of a sudden, it was that my eyes were opened to things I hadn’t seen before because compact SUVs were at the forefront of my brain.
Now that I have given the word Power some time to settle into my self, I will be taking time in the coming days to put that word where I can see it. I will also be sitting down in my art space and do some creative work with Power. I am pretty sure that I am going to start noticing what I haven’t seen before, and I am going to try to be open to what the Spirit is doing with this word. All along the way, I will be writing down what is coming to me and sharing it with my trusted circle. What I know for sure is that come December 2021, I will have a deeper understanding of myself and God, even if I am unsure of what that will be here in January. I know and trust that the Holy Spirit is present in my life and is more than capable of leading me on this journey of self-discovery.
I encourage you to join me, if you have received a star word or not. It isn’t too late to ask for one! I have plenty more and would be happy to give you one—just email me at You can also spend some time with the word that our leadership has been pondering for a year now and that is Welcome. What amazing things can the Spirit do as she shapes our congregation as we ponder Welcome in intentional ways? And what other things may she reveal to us as we wonder about some of the other words we have received? Dear friends, the Spirit has brought us this far with grace and love and has blessed us with so much, let us eagerly seek her leading as we enter 2021.
Be well. Be kind. Christ is with you.
Pastor Karyn