Foundation Update: Prayer Shawls 2020

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The First Lutheran Foundation Fund is proud to be able to help support ELCA organizations that are continuing the work of First Lutheran Church. One such worthy and deserving organization is the Prayer Shawl Ministry. 
The Prayer Shawl Ministry members knit the shawls for all baptisms at First Lutheran, including infants, children and adults. They are gifted to all couples married at First. And they are gifted to anyone in the community who is suffering grief, illness, loss, or any other need. The funds given to the Knitters and Prayer Shawl Ministries help with supplies for the group. Our knitters and prayer shawl group meet once a month, on the second Monday at 1:30pm, currently via Zoom.

The generous gifts of our past and present members have allowed for grants to be made to places like the Prayer Shawl Ministries on behalf of First Lutheran Church. If you would like to give a gift to First’s Foundation, you can do so easily by sending a check to First Lutheran Church and designating it for the Foundation.
Thank you and God bless!

Andrew Stutesman
Communications and Marketing Coordinator

Announcements for Sunday, Dec. 6 2020


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