Announcements for Sunday, Apr. 19 2020
Inside: Cinnamon roll Sunday THIS Sunday, Apr. 19, scholarship deadline extended, virtual Memory Cafes.
Getting ready for CINNAMON ROLL SUNDAY!!! This Sunday make cinnamon rolls before worship and breathe in the love of God! Click here for the recipe, and join us!
Online Worship
Join us for worship online on Sunday at 10:30am and on Wednesday at 6:15pm, at
In compliance with the recent extension of Governor Evers’ stay at home order, in-person worship has been canceled through May 26, including weddings and funerals. Sunday School, confirmation and many small groups are also affected. Vision & Leadership will determine how we will begin to gather again.
For an up-to-date list of online options and cancellations please visit
Virtual Memory Cafes
The ADRC of La Crosse County is excited to share with you this new endeavor to help Memory Cafe participants stay connected: they are offering April & May memory cafés virtually! Let’s stay connected and have fun—we will get through it together! April 21, 10:30am-11:30am join us online for spring time trivia, songs and games! Get ready for community, fun and connection! TO REGISTER: Email for the link to meet online. Use your computer or smartphone to join us! Call Kelsey at 608.785.5780 for help and support in setting this up. We look forward to “seeing” you!
Sunday Morning with Coffee
This small group is going to start back up via Zoom meetings, and will meet each Sunday at 9:15am. So grab a cup of coffee and join in the Christian discussion of this small group. Open to all. Questions? Contact
Our OWLs Be Zoomin’
The OWLs are a group at First that welcomes anyone, First Lutheran members or not, who are 55+. OWLs: If you are having technical problems viewing worship services or pastors’ morning musings please call volunteer coordinator, Brian Narveson for help: 608.526.9700. For those already connected with a computer, tablet or smart phone, or even just a regular phone, the OWLs will be holding “Virtual Potlucks” via Zoom. Zoom is a two way video conferencing system where you can both see and hear the people you are talking with. The next one is Wednesday, April 29 at 1pm. Brian wants the OWLs to know they can participate in these virtual potlucks with just a regular phone. For help with Zoom, feel free to contact Brian: / 608.526.9700.
Mabel Anderson Scholarship
Applications are available online. The deadline has been extended: completed applications are due no later than 3pm on Thursday, Apr. 30. Students may apply if they will graduate from high school in the spring and have plans to pursue post-secondary education. The application includes writing an essay and completing a worksheet that reflects the student’s involvement in church activities. Applicants are encouraged to submit completed applications via email.
Sewing Face Masks
The La Crosse County Health Dept. provides direction on making face masks for healthcare workers: Go to this UGETCONNECTED page for info, modifications to the pattern, and drop-off locations.
Morning Musings
Where is God in all this? Who/what shall we pray for today? What are our questions? What is grounding us in a time when everything is shifting? Go to First Lutheran's website, Facebook page or our Youtube channel where each morning, Monday through Saturday by 8am, Pastor Stanton or Pastor Karyn post a "morning musing". It's a great way to stay connected!
Clothes Closet Not Accepting Donations
Due to the current situation, the First Teen Clothes Closet is not accepting clothing donations at this time. Please save your gently-used clothing for when we are again open for business or find another organization that can accept your donation. We appreciate your generosity and your understanding.
Warming Center Needs
Warming Center has moved back to the 3rd Street Catholic Charities building. There are 22 clients continuing to shelter in place, 24/7 at the downtown location. The shelter will continue services 24 hours a day until the Safer At Home order issued by Gov. Evers ends, including any additional time beyond the end of April when they would normally close the Warming Center. The volunteer signup has been updated with their current needs. If you have any questions please contact Nora at
Blood Donations Needed
In times of crisis we lift each other up and ensure a safe and caring place for our neighbors. Your neighbors, friends, and loved ones are at an elevated risk during this latest crisis in our nation. The latest virus we are living through is very serious, but more so is the severely declining availability of blood. We are a beacon of hope. Ensuring an adequate blood supply to our communities is not only Versiti’s core mission, but it is our commitment to our hospitals, patients and communities in times of crisis. Versiti Blood Centers will continue to provide its service to the community by accepting donors at all its donor center locations, as well as community blood drives, when possible. They encourages all donors to make an appointment to lessen the amount of people waiting at our donor centers. Appointments for donating blood can be made at To learn more about the safety precautions Versiti is taking during this pandemic, click here.
Keep Up with Cancellations: Update Your Contact Info
Make sure the office has your current contact info, including current address, mobile number(s), carrier info (for reminders by text), and email(s). Send to
Online Directory
During this time of “social distancing,” it would be good to remind members that you can access on online directory on our website. Just head to to request access. Keep in mind our director of communications, Andy Stutesman, will need to create an account for you, so please allow time for turning that around.
We are seeking people of all ages who would be willing to be our readers each week. This would mean doing a video of yourself or family reading the assigned text and then uploading it to a google folder. If you are willing to do this, email Pastor Karyn:
Pastor Karyn is looking for people who are willing to be our pray-ers. If you are willing to offer up a prayer or let us know a way we can be praying, send me an email to Thanks!
If you have questions or need prayerful support during this challenging time, the ELCA is prepared to help. Call 800.638.3522 ext. 4 or email with your questions or prayer requests. #ELCAChurchTogether
Sugar Creek Summer Reg Still Open!
Your child or grandchild can have an amazing new experience this summer with the caring staff and beautiful creation of Sugar Creek! More info & reg at