Announcements for Sunday, January 29

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This group is for parents/guardians and their children ages birth to 3 years old, and meets THIS SUNDAY and every last Sunday of the month, at 9:15am in room 102. We sing, dance, play, and pray together to learn ways to raise our little Christians in the home. We have time with the kids and time with just the adults. During the adult time, we have volunteers come in and play with our children as we talk. We welcome newcomers all the time — join us! 

Annual Report

The annual report for 2016 is now available, but it is a little different this year. We’ve made the report short and sweet, and will be mailing them to all member households. If you would like a more detailed report, it can be downloaded at

Sunshine Boys

The Sunshine Boys serve at First on the first Thursday of each month; the next meeting will be Thursday, Feb. 2, at 9am. The Sunshine Boys are an informal group that performs a variety of necessary tasks around the church, such as grounds clean-up, minor repairs and other small jobs. Rolls and coffee are supplied to replenish your reserves! Dues are free! Contact Mike, our custodian, with any questions:

Grief Groups

Carrying on after the death of a loved one can be difficult and lonely. Join with others who have experienced loss, and listen and care for each other. Two groups to choose from, both meeting the first Thursday of the month:

  • 1pm in the Upper Rm, led by Nancy Beguin
  • 7pm at Gloria Kubiak’s home; call Gloria at 608.498.2762 if interested in joining

Questions? Contact Director of Small Group Ministry Bridget Crave: More info at

Baptismal Preparation

A baptism preparation session will be Saturday, February 4, at 10am in the narthex for anyone who is considering or has scheduled a baptism. To register or ask questions, contact the church office: 608.783.2236 /


Now is a great time to join Coffee with Pastor Karyn at 6:30am, Wednesdays at Panera. We are startingnew study… ASK: Faith Questions in a Skeptical Age. Discuss with others such questions as: “How can I believe in science and creation?”, “Can I trust the old testament?” and “Why do Christians disagree about so many things?” Questions? Talk to Bridget Crave ( or Pastor Karyn (

Sip n' Paint

The January Sip n’ Paint was rescheduled to Thursday, Feb. 9, 6:30pm … more time to invite a friend! This is a great time to relax and let go of the worries of the world, or allow your brain to think through a problem in a different way, and enjoy yourself.

  • Where: First Lutheran Fellowship Hall
  • Cost: $33
  • Bring: a beverage of your choice
  • Limited to 20 people

Sign up at

NOTICE: First to Vote on Constitution Amendment

At our Annual Meeting and Potluck on Sunday, Feb. 12, at 11:45am, downstairs in the Fellowship Hall, you will have an opportunity to vote for amending our constitution to reflect the changes adopted in August at the ELCA churchwide assembly in New Orleans. The primary changes in the ELCA Model Constitution as stated from the Secretary of the ELCA, Rev. Wm. Chris Boerger, relate to the merging of the three lay rosters into a Roster of Ministers of Word and Service. Pastor Boerger recommends that these provisions should be added to each congregation’s constitution even if the congregation does not have under call a person on one of the lay rosters. 

To help facilitate a timely annual meeting, we are providing you with the adopted amendments to the constitution on our website at Please bring any questions you may have to the annual meeting. We can address these items during the discussion period of the motion.

First Teen Clothes Closet needs:

Specific needs at the clothes closet right now, as we try to assist groups of young people with job preparation programs:

  • XS (0-2) women’s/girls dress pants
  • Women’s dress shoes sizes 10 and up

Donations may be dropped off in the shopping cart located in the front entry of the church. Thank you!

Sign-up for 2017 Flowers

The sign-up sheets for the 2017 flowers are on the bulletin board. If you would like to honor the memory of a loved one check the bulletin board and sign up for an open week of your choice. You can also contact the church office to inquire about openings: / 608.783.2236.

Terry Cloth Rags

Our head custodian, Mike Peper, is in need of terry cloth rags. Drop off any donations in the church office. Thanks!

Quilters Need Sheets

The First Lutheran quilters need sheets (gently used) and can always use fabric. Donations may be dropped off at the church office.

Andrew Stutesman
Communications and Marketing Coordinator

Message From Pastor Karyn for February 2017


Time Budget Worksheet