First Lutheran Church

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Announcements for Sunday, July 10

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Mission Trip Meeting

Middle school youths and chaperons will leave for the Quad Cities in Iowa on Sunday, July 17, for a week-long mission trip. The last planning meeting before the trip is on Sunday, July 10, at 11:30am in the fellowship hall. Students and parents are asked to attend. 

Young Youth Explorer Day at Sugar Creek

On Tuesday, July 12, the Young Youth will go to Sugar Creek. Explore camp with games, nature time, crafts, swimming, a pony ride, Bible study and singing. The cost is $20 a camper and includes a lunch and a snack. We will meet at the church at 7:40am and return between 4:30pm and 5pm. RSVP to

Blood Drive

Tuesday, July 12, 12:30-5:30pm, in the fellowship hall. Every day ordinary people are saved by some pretty extraordinary people: People who give blood. Your donation could be the most valuable gift you ever give. Just ask anyone who’s ever received. To schedule your appointment, go to Please bring a photo ID.

Sip & Paint Returns!

We had so much fun with our inaugural sip and paint that we decided to do another! Set aside Thursday, July 14, from 6-9pm for a fun evening of painting, food and beverage. Cost is $30 this time. Bring a friend or two (or be like Pastor Karyn and bring your mom!). This is a great time to relax and let go of the worries of the world, or allow your brain to think through a problem in a different way, and enjoy yourself. RSVP by July 10 so that we know how many folks to set up for. 

Sugar Creek Praise Band Family Concert

Saturday, July 16, from 3-5pm at English Lutheran, 1509 King St, La Crosse. This will be a fun worship event you won’t want to miss! 

Faith Alive Creative Circle

It is a scientific fact that exercising our creative muscles has all sorts of health benefits. It is also a scientific fact that gathering with people has all sorts of health benefits. It seems our ancestors knew these two things together can mean only good things for individuals and communities, so we are bringing back the “sewing circle” with a modern twist. Introducing the Faith Alive Creative Circle, a gathering of people working out their creative muscles. All are welcome to bring whatever project you are working on and enjoy fellowship while doing it. We also will have, from time to time, a shared project so that we can learn new things from each other. When are we meeting, you ask? We will meet the 3rd Monday of each month starting in July from 6-9pm in the Fellowship Hall. Join us on July 18!

Welcome Aliyah Home!

Our Youth in Global Mission, Aliyah Richling, returns home from serving in Hungary this July! So make plans to worship at First on Sunday, July 24. We will take time in worship to welcome Aliyah home and celebrate her return!

Volunteer Appreciation Picnic

We will celebrate our many volunteers at the annual Volunteer Appreciation Picnic from noon to 2pm on Sunday, July 24, at Rowe Park. RSVP to


First Lutheran is assisting with Come for Supper on Tuesday, July 26, at Our Savior’s in La Crosse. First Lutheran will help with food donations and volunteering to serve and clean up. The sign-up sheets are at the Welcome Center. Call Gloria Kubiak if you have questions, 608.498.2762.

Little LEAPs

This group is for parents/guardians and their children ages birth to 3 years old. It meets the last Sunday of the month, at 9:15am in room 102. Join us on Sunday, July 31, for singing, dancing, playing and praying together. We have time with the kids and time with just the adults. We welcome newcomers all the time — join us! If you are interested in becoming a volunteer who helps our children during adult time, contact Carla Stanton.

Clothes Closet

The Teen Clothes Closet is full. Due to space limitations, we are accepting only donations of boys jeans and shorts, and girls athletic shorts. Thank you.

Looking for Youth!

Summer is the perfect time for our young ones to be a part of our worship leadership! We are always looking for readers, ushers and acolytes for Sundays and Wednesdays. This is an easy way to be engaged in living out your faith and the ministry of First. Sign up today on our website:! If you have questions, connect with Pastor Karyn: or 608.783.2236.

Provide a Chair at the Table

All year we have been talking about how God shows up when we Come to the Table. We’re installing a new floor in Fellowship Hall, and we need new chairs to safely rest upon it. Please consider making a special gift to the Fellowship Hall Fund. 

A quality banquet chair costs about $75, but gifts of all amounts are, of course, welcome. Thank you for providing a “Chair at the Table.”

Marking a Special Occasion?

If you would like to mark a birthday, anniversary or other milestone in your family’s life, purchasing altar flowers for Sunday is one way to do it. We will order the flowers for you, or you can place your own order through a florist and have the arrangement delivered here. Just let us know so we can include information in the announcements. There’s a sign-up sheet on the announcements bulletin board, or you can call the church office to sign up or get more info: 608.783.2236.

Sign Up for Vacation Bible School

Plan ahead to be here for Vacation Bible School, August 7-11. We will need teachers and helpers to make it a success. Please consider being a part of the fun adventure. Let Becky Runde know if you are interested in helping in some way. You can reach her at or 507.259.0295. 

Sermon Notes & Audio

Sermon notes are available from ushers during worship; they are also available online, along with the sermon audio, at Sermon notes are meant to be used… 

  • During worship to write down things you hear that surprise, shock, or otherwise strike a chord with you. 
  • At home, to think about what you heard during the sermon and what it means to you, in your life, right now. 
  • In small groups, to share your thoughts and to listen to others talk about how they heard the sermon and were moved by it.

To learn more about these and other announcements, head to our website at

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