First Lutheran Church

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Announcements for Sunday, May 29

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Little LEAPs

This group is for parents/guardians and their children ages birth to 3 years old, and meets the last Sunday, at 9:15am in room 102. We sing, dance, play, and pray together to learn ways to raise our little Christians in the home. We have time with the kids and time with just the adults. During the adult time, we have volunteers come in and play with our children as we talk. We welcome newcomers all the time—join us! If you are interested in becoming a volunteer who helps our children during adult time, please contact Carla Stanton,

Baptismal blessings are extended to:

  • Nolan Jeffrey Nestingen, son of Kevin & Kelly Nestingen
  • Henry Alan Garbrecht, son of Mark & Kendra Garbrecht

Flowers in the sanctuary are in honor of Clay & Ginny Pollert’s 50th wedding anniversary

Wedding blessings are extended to Jerold Yushta & Cathryn Trueblood

Mission Trip Meetings

Update meetings are scheduled this month for participants in the middle school and high school mission trips.

  • High school trip to Colorado: 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, May 29, for students and parents.
  • High school trip to Colorado, last meeting: 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, June 19, for students and parents.

Baptismal Preparation

A baptism preparation session will be Saturday, June 4, at 10am in the narthex for anyone who is considering or has scheduled a baptism. To register or ask questions, contact the church office: 608.783.2236 /

Registration Now Open for Summer Camp at Sugar Creek!

Sugar Creek Bible Camp...

  • Strengthens faith in Christ
  • Develops critical thinking skills
  • Encourages face-to-face interaction
  • Allows “screen free” time in God’s creation 
  • Empowers young people for service 

Now is the time to register, before your desired week fills up. Popular programs fill up fast! Register today to reserve your spot!

Your child or grandchild can have an amazing new experience this summer with the caring staff and beautiful creation of Sugar Creek! Making certain members can attend camp is a priority for us at First, and financial assistance is available; simply speak with a pastor.

Sunshine Boys

The Sunshine Boys serve at First on the first Thursday of each month; the next meeting will be Thur., June 2, at 9am. The Sunshine Boys are an informal group that performs a variety of necessary tasks around the church; such as grounds clean-up, minor repairs, and other small jobs. Rolls and coffee are supplied to replenish your reserves! Dues are free! Contact Mike, our custodian, with any questions:

Luren Men’s Choir Concert

Thursday, June 2, 7pm, at North Presbyterian Church, 1327 N Salem Rd, La Crosse.


On Friday, June 10 the OWLs, a group for those 55+, fly to the Alma, WI to visit the Prairie Moon Sculpture Garden and other local attractions. RSVP to Brian Narveson at by June 9. On Wed., June 29 at noon the OWLs will have their June potluck at RIVERSIDE PARK. Please bring your favorite picnic food to share and a lawn chair if you would rather not sit at a picnic table. 

Confirmation Camp at Sugar Creek

June 12–17. Our upcoming confirmation students get a chance to start their confirmation journey in the beautiful valley of Sugar Creek. We will learn in faith together while we do Bible study, horseback riding, hiking, swimming, campfires, and so much more! 


Young Youth will go to Noah’s Ark in Wisconsin Dells on Tuesday, June 14. Though this is a youth event, it will be more like a family outing. RSVP to

Young Youth Explorer Day at Sugar Creek

On Tuesday, July 12, the Young Youth will go to Sugar Creek for an exciting one-day adventure at Sugar Creek. Explore camp with games, nature time, crafts, swimming, a pony ride, Bible study, singing and more! The cost is $20 a camper and includes a lunch and a snack. We will meet at the church at 7:40am and return between 4:30pm and 5pm. RSVP to

Blood Drive

Tuesday, July 12, 12:30-5:30pm, in the fellowship hall. Every day ordinary people are saved by some pretty extraordinary people. People who give blood. Your donation could be the most valuable gift you ever give. Just ask anyone who’s ever received. To schedule your appointment go to
Please bring a photo ID.

Volunteer Appreciation Picnic

We will celebrate our many volunteers at the annual Volunteer Appreciation Picnic from noon to 2pm on Sunday, July 24, at Rowe Park. RSVP to

Clothes Closet

With the changing seasons, the First Teen Clothes Closet is getting ready for summer. We welcome donations of shorts, short-sleeved shirts, sandals and swimwear. We also still need boys’ jeans, particularly in sizes 32x34 and 32x36, and girls’ leggings. Please hold on to your winter items until the fall, as we have limited space for storing out-of-season clothes. 

Welcome Baskets

Members of First Lutheran, the Welcome Basket Team is looking for your help. We would like to include in our baskets items from our congregation. Items like knitted or crocheted dishcloths, scrubbies, or other homemade items. We would also like to include area business coupons, business cards or other small promotional items. If you have a business you would like to promote in our Welcome Basket or an item you would like to donate, please let Kathryn know. Give her a call at church, or e-mail if you are interested or have any questions. Call 608.783.2236 or e-mail at

Vacation Bible School

Plan ahead to be here for Vacation Bible School this summer August 7-11. We will need teachers and helpers to make it a success. Please consider being a part of the fun adventure. Let Becky Runde know if you are interested in helping in some way. You can reach her at or 507.259.0295. 

Sermon Notes & Audio

Sermon notes are available from ushers during worship; they are also available online, along with the sermon audio, at Sermon notes are meant to be used… 

  • During worship to write down things you hear that surprise, shock, or otherwise strike a chord with you. 
  • At home, to think about what you heard during the sermon and what it means to you, in your life, right now. 
  • In small groups, to share your thoughts and to listen to others talk about how they heard the sermon and were moved by it.

To learn more about these and other announcements, head to our website at

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