High School group gathering again THIS Sunday at the House, 9:15am!
A great time to get together and catch up! And did we mention free food?!?
ALL High School Youth.....
Join us again this Sunday, February 22, at the house from 9:15–10:15am!
There will be breakfast and socializing. During the next five Sunday mornings, ALL high school youth (9th through 12th graders) are invited to the house from 9:15 to 10:15am. Parents will be providing food—lots of good food—and Neils Anderson will lead you through the Lenten Bible Study. This is a great time to get reacquainted and catch up!
And did we mention there will be food????
Oh, and Renee has this to add…
Just a little add on information regarding this gathering for High school youth at the house.
A few of us have been missing seeing all of our high schoolers at church. We know they are busy, really busy, however we have also heard from a few of them that they miss coming too. So in response, Neils Anderson has graciously agreed to offer something for them every Sunday from now until Easter. If you haven't meant Neils, ask some of the 8th & 9th grade confirmands about him.... he was the guy that made the giant messy obstacle course one night at confirmation and talked with them about "hearing God's voice in our daily lives". He enjoys youth, values them, and has a great way of making things fun, meaningful, and relaxed!
We could use parent help in two ways:
- Encourage your teen to come. This group brings so much to our congregation and we miss seeing them around and hearing from them. Tell them to bring a friend if they prefer, need not even be a member!
- I am out of town the next two weekends, but will be taking care of the food the three weekends after that. Are there any of you that would be willing to help provide breakfast items for the group this weekend or next? Whatever you would like would be great: pastries/rolls/bagels & cream cheese/fruit, or come and hang out in the kitchen and make pancakes and eggs to order if you like! If you are willing to help with this, please reply to rrthies@charter.net.
Thanks so much!!
Renee Thies