First Lutheran Church

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Announcements for Sunday, Dec. 1, 2019

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Advent Around the Table

Advent is a season full of rich traditions for both home and church. We invite everyone to join us in Fellowship Hall on Sunday, Dec. 1, at 9:15am, for our annual Advent Around the Table event. We will gather to create advent crafts for our homes. Along the way we will learn more about this particular season, have great fellowship and grow in our faith as we kick off the Advent season.

Sunshine Boys & Girls

The Sunshine Boys and Girls meet at First Lutheran on the second FIRST Thursday of the month THIS DECEMBER, at 9am, to help decorate for Christmas. Rolls and coffee are supplied to replenish your reserves! Dues are free! 

Christmas Shopping Outings 

Sat., Dec. 7, 7:45am-12:30pm and Fri., Dec. 13, 4:45-8:30pm. Bring your children for a time of FUN while parents get a chance to get out or stay in. Activities include face painting and games! Wrapping of presents available in the narthex at both events. Ages: birth to 12 are welcome. Event is open to the public. Cost: Donations to assist the middle and high school students with their mission trip in 2020.

Baptismal Preparation

A baptism preparation session will be Saturday, Dec. 7, at 10am in the narthex for anyone who is considering or has scheduled a baptism. To register or ask questions call the church office at 608.783.3326 by this Monday, Dec. 2. Min. attendance required: 2 families. 

Christmas Giving Tree

Gifts need to be under the tree by Dec. 8. Call our office 608.783.2236 if you'd like to know what else might be on a person's wish list. You can also choose a Good Gifts ornament from the giving tree in the narthex, take it home, and go online to to make your donation. Write on the back of the ornament and give as a gift.

OWLs Fly to Sugar Creek for Yesterday’s Youth

On Monday, Dec. 9 the OWLs, a group for those 55+, will fly to Sugar Creek for the Christmas version of Yesterday’s Youth, presented by the Vesterheim Museum, and featuring the music of The DisChords. Leaving the church at 8am. Cost: $10. RSVP to Brian Narveson at 630.816.5917 or by Sunday, Dec. 8.

Icicle Toes Project 

Through Dec. 25. Warm socks for folks who need them! Socks will be collected for donation to New Horizons Shelter, a community resource where people are helped during times of need. Please bring new socks for children or adults to the Icicle Toes Tree in the narthex. 

Christmas Gifts for “Come for Supper” Attendees

Come for Supper at Our Savior’s in La Crosse is asking for your help. They will be purchasing winter gloves and personal hygiene items to distribute to supper guests for Christmas. If you would be interested in helping finance the purchase of these gifts, checks for any amount can be sent to Our Savior’s Lutheran (612 Division St, La Crosse, WI 54601). Make sure you designate your gift to “Come for Supper.” Thank you!

Christmas at First

Christmas Eve worship times: 2pm, 4pm, 6pm and 11pm. All will be candlelight and all will be with Holy Communion. Christmas Day worship time: 10am, with Holy Communion. 

No Evening Worship on Wednesday, Dec. 25 and Jan. 1

On Wednesday, Dec. 25 join us for worship at 10am as we celebrate the birth of Christ on Christmas Day. With worship in the morning, we will not have worship in the evening. Nor will we have worship on Wednesday, Jan. 1. The office will be closed both days. Have a Merry Christmas and a blessed new year!

Dementia Re-imagined book discussion

Jan. 4 you are invited to be a part of a book discussion, Dementia Reimagined, by Tia Powell, M. D. Read the book in December and join the discussion at 9am, at Pastor Karyn’s home. Snacks and beverages will be provided. It’s time to talk about dementia-friendly support and spirituality. 

Parent Date Night 

Save the “Date”: Friday, Jan. 17. Time: Registration will be from 4:45–5:30pm, followed by dinner and activities till 8:30pm (parents can pick up early if needed). Bring your children for an evening of fun with the middle and high school youth groups’ Date Night Fundraiser! Ages: birth to 12 are welcome. Event is open to the public. Cost: Free will donations to assist the middle and high school students with their mission trip in 2020.


The ELCA YAGM program invites young adults (ages 21-29) into a year-long international journey of service. If you, a friend, a church family member would be interested in such a journey, go to and begin the application process. The application window will open Nov. 1, and close Feb. 15, 2020, with priority given to those who apply by Jan. 15.

Hosting Memory Cafe at First

The Memory Café is an opportunity for fellowship for people living with memory loss, Alzheimer’s & other related dementias and their care partners to enjoy regular, social interaction with others to laugh, to learn and create community. We are looking for people to help host March 26 at 1pm. Memory Cafes are informal, relaxed environments.

We need people to provide hospitality, beverages and a light snack and people to lead some sort of fun, engaging program or project. Themes and topics may include: Art, animals, music, creating, food and more. If you are interested in hosting the Memory Cafe, contact Bridget. If you or someone you know would benefit from attending the Memory Cafe, please invite them. The second cafe we are hosting is June 25.

Parent Share 

Join Carla Stanton, member of First, certified spiritual director and mom of three, in room 201 every Sunday morning at 9:15am. At Parent Share, we pray and talk about raising our children faithfully.

Parking Lot Ministry

This ministry needs warm and friendly faces to greet guests and worshipers who come into the parking lot, giving help if needed at the giving umbrellas to those who need one when it’s raining. Come to the Welcome Center to receive more information and sign up to help.

Companion Ministry

The gift of communion is Christ’s invitation for us all. Homebound members or those in nursing home care cannot make it to church and still would love to also receive that gift. Companion ministers help provide the service of delivering communion to them. They visit these members, usually monthly, give them communion, and have wonderful conversations. Good friendships are formed and the members receiving the communion feel grateful for that gift. If you love visiting with and helping people, consider becoming a companion minister. It is a very fulfilling job. Talk to one of the pastors for more info.


Coffee with Pastor Karyn is open to all and meets at 6:30am each Wednesday at Panera. See you there!  

Sunday School

Sunday, Dec 1

  • 4K FBB: The Keys, lifted up in worship

  • 9:15am Advent Around the Table - Fellowship Hall

Sunday, Dec 8

  • 9:15am Sunday School

New registrations welcome any time of the year. Contact Sunday School superintendent Beth Miller at or stop in the Sunday School office in room 206. 



  • 9:15am Gr 6 & 7 Bible Classes: Advent Around the Table


  • Gr 8 & 9 Small Groups

Questions? Contact Pastor Stanton,

High School at the House 

A time for high school members to meet and socialize in a welcoming space, on most Sundays, between services. Questions? Contact volunteer Katie Everson:

Middle/High School Youth Groups

Grades 6–12 gather together tonight for meal and fellowship at 5pm, but come early and help “teen approve” for the clothes closet. Questions? Contact Andrea: 608.790.5631.