First Lutheran Church

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Announcements for Sunday, April 15 2018

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Young Youth Events

  • Gr K-2 Park Clean Up! TODAY, April 15, 11:30am–3pm. Lunch together after second service and then head to Ona Parks to help God’s creation! Interested? Speak to Beth Miller, our Young Youth Director. She can often be found in the Sunday School office, room 206, between services.
  • Gr 3-5 Earth Day Clean Up! April 29, 11:30am-3pm. More details to come; RSVP to

NEW-MEMBER Small Group

We offer several new-member sessions each year to acquaint new members with First and a small group of other newcomers. People who would like to become members of First Lutheran are invited to a 3-week introduction to the church, presented in a small-group setting. The group will meet in the evening on April 15, 22 and 26. To attend tonight’s small group, just speak to either pastor after worship!

Keep Calm & Trust Jesus

Monday, April 16, 6-8pm. Another of our popular confirmation classes, Keep Calm & Trust Jesus, is now being offered to adults. This class will teach you ways to strengthen and trust in the power of your faith as well as tips to stay calm in a world that is often stressful and rushed! The class is taught by Marlene Dewald, RN, who retired in 2012. Sign up at Questions? Contact

OWLs Potluck

The OWLs’ — a group for those 55+ — next potluck will be Wed., April 18, at noon in Fellowship Hall. The program will be about the rapidly developing future of virtual reality (VR) for seniors, presented by Kathy Helgerson from Simple Steps Technology. Due to costs to prepare the program, an offering will be taken for Kathy.

Grief Support Group

Carrying on after the death of a loved one can be difficult and lonely. Join with others who have experienced loss, and listen and care for each other. Meeting the third Thursday of the month, 1pm in the Upper Room. Led by Nancy Beguin

Questions? Contact Director of Small Group Ministry, Bridget Crave: More info at

Mabel Anderson Scholarship

Applications are now available. Completed applications are due no later than 3pm on Monday, April 23. Students may apply if they will graduate from high school in the spring and have plans to pursue post-secondary education. Application forms are available at or in the church office during office hours, M-F 8am-4pm.

Chicken Dinner!

Thursday, April 26, 11am–7pm, at NEW LOCATION: Onalaska America Legion, 731 Sand Lake Rd. This is an awesome fundraiser with delicious food! Tickets are sold by youth raising funds, or in the church office M-F, 8am-4pm. To volunteer your time and/or your baking skills by donating baked goods for youth to sell at the chicken dinner, go to Questions? Contact

Our Church Our Time Celebration

Between worship services on April 29 our family of faith will celebrate the completion of a VERY successful campaign. Every single member is strongly encouraged to come!

Peer Ministry Commissioning

Wed., May 2, 5:15-7pm. Our Peer Ministers and their families are invited to come eat dinner in the Fellowship Hall at 5:15pm followed by a commissioning at the 6:15pm worship service. We want to celebrate all of their hard work this past year to become better ministers to their peers!

Food Pantry Needs

The Onalaska Holmen Food Basket particularly needs the following items: pork & beans, SpaghettiOs & ravioli, Hamburger Helper, paper towels, flour

Share your Faith Alive! experience and tag your posts on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook with #faithalive365.

Register Now for Summer at Sugar Creek! 

Your child or grandchild can have an amazing new experience this summer with the caring staff and beautiful creation of Sugar Creek! Popular programs fill up fast! Register today to reserve your spot! Making certain members can attend camp is a priority for us at First, and financial assistance is available; simply speak with a pastor.

Clothes Closet Needs

Are you ready for spring cleaning and finding a new home for outgrown coats? Consider dropping off your gently-used, clean coats for the First Teen Clothes Closet and Children’s Closet. Other items on our most-needed list currently: toiletries (full-size toothpaste, body wash, shampoo, conditioner), wallets, and purses.

Preschool Springfest

Springfest, on Sun, May 6, at 3pm, is our preschool’s major fund-raiser, and provides an opportunity for current preschoolers to showcase their singing talents. After the concert there is an ice cream social and silent auction. For all family members, grandparents, friends and neighbors!