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Faith Alive! U: Lutheran Worship… Why?


2020 Faith Alive! U course, presented by Pastor Jason Stanton:

In worship... why do Lutherans stand up and sit down so often? Why sing the Kyrie in Latin? Why sing the Kyrie at all? Too often, Lutherans apologize for our style of worship without understanding how effective it is at shaping humans into Jesus-followers. In an era when many churches are moving toward 'entertainment-as-worship', ELCA Lutherans have an opportunity to distinguish our Christian personality by claiming the rich depth of meaning our worship holds. Join Pastor Jason Stanton for a conversation that promises to be fun, informative and challenging! 

First is offering courses for all-ages to explore, question and learn about your faith. All courses will be offered in the Sanctuary at 6pm, with a meal before at 5:30pm.

Childcare is available: for kids in grade school we offer a supervised kid zone. For kids not yet in grade school, we will have adult supervision in the nursery.

February 2

High School at the House

February 28

Funeral for Irene Welch